Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Try as we might….Malware will still bite…

Most people don’t really think about malware too much or if they do, they lump it in the same category as a virus. And while most IT professionals or folks that consider themselves the un-novice computer user, think they are immune. Sorry folks…your not, and neither is apparently anyone now a days. Just this week my husband, who has setup networks and build towers back in the day found malware on his machine.

When a personal computer for the home user get malware it’s a rough process to clean their computer. However, when companies get malware, it makes for ticked off customers and for the company, a whole lot of money, time and clean up. 

Trending this week the new malware of the day is Regin. According to Cnet.com, it is a tricky little bugger, “Regin avoids detection with a specialized design as it ferrets out critical information. It's been used since 2008 to infiltrate email databases, monitor network traffic, steal passwords, snag screenshots and record mouse clicks (cnet.com, 2014).”

And while it appears that that this malware in particular doesn’t affect the English speaking world, but rather the non-English speaking parts of the world; I say it’s only a matter of time. Although the so-called experts are claiming this one wouldn’t be worth the modification to be used in the English speaking world…again I say only a matter of time. The technology used to infiltrate and steal confidential information (credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc.) , is advancing and its not going away anytime soon. It might not be Regin, but it will be something.

If we, as a society, don’t get a handle on our information security…someone else well and it probably won’t be the good guys. More steps need to be taken to create policies, accountability, and better security for the consumer or else companies like Target or Home Depot will lose customer loyal if they lack the faith in the organizations procedures to keep them safe. I think it's time companies...bite back! 

Source: http://www.cnet.com/news/advanced-regin-malware-poses-biggest-threat-outside-us/