Wednesday, March 1, 2017

What a ride!

My Reflection 

This is my last week of class. This program is coming to an end for me and it’s bittersweet. Like a long job where you have been working for a couple years and you're now feels like that. While exciting, it’s also scary. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, haha. Although, I would like to teach. I do enjoy that.

The class I write this blog for was the hardest class to date, yet probably the most memorable and useful. While threat modeling can sound scary and maybe even intimidating, it’s really not. The important thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong way to threat model. And any companies out there that are not doing this, need to consider utilizing this for their processes. Security is only gonna get worse folks. Protect everything and anything with as much effort as possible.

My next step was to continue on to a doctorate, but the hubby misses me. And I gotta be honest, I am so very tired of homework. So instead, I think I will work on certifications and staying up to date on security on goings. Keeps my mind active, but I don’t have deadlines or homework. More video game time with the hubby too! He will love that.

Graphic taken from:

My Advice

Here is my advice, and no you didn’t ask for it, but I am sharing it anyways. I started this program in June of 2014, as you read this I am finished. It is March 1, 2017. It has been a long, hard, and stressful journey. Would I do it again? Absolutely. It is worth the effort, time, and energy spent to gain the knowledge that I did and the diploma helps too. The sense of accomplishing something so intense, also gives a sense of pride and joy.

If you are considering branching out and going for education, training, degrees, etc. do it. I know school isn’t a fav activity for most people; for me it is. But learning is always valuable, whatever your goal, learn, learn, and learn. I encourage you to read and research, because we need more of that in our society. Keeping your mind active is healthy for you, don’t forget that.

Please consider something though. While education is important, don’t rely heavily on your degree. Get work experience. Don’t just go to college and expect a high paying job out of school. While it might happen, it typically doesn’t. So get a job in your field, like an entry level job, gain work experience and go from there. I started in IT back in 1999, well before I had a BS. I am glad I did. Sure I made $10 an hour, but I gained a ton of experience and it grew. So now my MS with my BS and my 18 years of experience in IT on my resume makes it easier to get an amazing job. Learn and grow as much as you can!

I want to thank you all for reading my blog. Thank you all for the support and feedback. I will try to continue this blog as time goes on. Maybe I will get lucky enough to get a teaching position and have more to share with you all. Hmm.. my students may also need to blog, muwahaha (evil laugh).

Until next time and always, stay safe out there!

Week 12 Blog - CYBR 650

Graphic taken from: