Monday, December 8, 2014

Oh Sony, Poor Sony...

Cnet once again has reported that Sony has been hacked. Seriously? Dang Sony, you can't catch a break! This time though it was the Playstation Network, unlike two weeks ago where malware hit Sony Movie studio by presumably by a North Korean group; Guardians of Peace. 

This week the Sony Playstation store was taken offline by a so claimed group or individual named; the Lizard Squad. Their actions bringing users to a halt when trying to access the online store and while it's not clear if private information was compromised or not, it still caused some frustration to users. However, the previous incident of the Sony Movie Studio was reportedly claimed to compromise employee social security numbers and passwords. The group claiming that Sony needed to "immediately showing the movie of terrorism which can break the regional peace and cause the War (, 2014)!" 

While if anyone remembers this year in the summer of 2014, Sony's Playstation store was hit at that time as well. Sony, oh Sony. Why do you keep getting hacked? Where are your safe guards? Clearly, Sony needs a re-vamp on their security. 

These re-occurring incidents seem to scream loudly “come at me bro”. And while it might be apparent they keep getting their security breached, I am curious what steps they are taking to resolve these frequent incidents?  With Christmas fast approaching, those PS4’s flying off the shelves…I wouldn’t put much faith that while you are enjoying your high def video game at $60 bucks a pop…that your private information is really secure. 

Well…at least not yet.


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