Monday, January 23, 2017

Ransomware 101

Holding your PC Hostage 

So here is the deal, ransomware is basically a piece of malware that when activated on a computer locks the user out of their files/data. Typically this is done with encrypting the data so when the ransomware/malware developer reaches out to the user they say something like, “Give me $500 and I will let you have the “key” to access your data”.

Stay with me. Grab some coffee if needed. I know there is a lot of um and huh moments happening if you have no clue what I am talking about.

We all know what viruses and malware is. Ransomware is a form of malware, so the idea is that it’s distributed like typical malware. Ideas of how malware gets on a system noted below.

  • You may have installed something that you shouldn’t have (either unsafe or not from a trusted source).
  • Optional installed software with “reputable” software. AKA toolbars - avoid the toolbars! Please for all that is good and holy - NO toolbars!
  • If you are already infected, it cycles to more and more infections.
  • You don’t have an anti-virus or anti-malware software. The key with this one though is that many people have it, but not a lot of people update it and use it. So you need to do that.

With that, ransomware is received much in the same way and what it does is holds your stuff for ransom. There are a couple different types of ransomeware, but I don't want you to start drooling so we will move on.

Cartoon retrieved from:

Gimme the Cash!

I know! I know! WHAT? Right. So in order to get your goodies back they want you to pay a certain dollar amount and if you don’t pay it by a certain time, they either up the ransom or data goes bye bye.

What is frustrating about this is that it’s completely avoidable for one HUGE reason. BACKUP your data. Then who cares? Let them delete your photos and docs, if you data is backed up, your golden.

I actually had a customer when I was running my own company and this happened. The said part is we had to format her pc and she didn’t back up her data. But to her she was excited that I could fix her computer from the ransomware guys. Which is always an alternative, but still this isn’t fun.

The best methods I have found for data backups is the following.

  1. Buy and use an external drive. Set it as a backup and use the thing. Most of these have software that will do it for you and all you need to do is point to the folders and files you want to backup.
  2. Use something like Google Docs/Google Drive. This is my bread and butter in business and school, And yes there is always a risk, but it’s Google...I mean seriously. They probably have backups of their backups.
  3. Email. Email is probably the most underrated and underused system for keeping backups of important things. I wouldn’t recommend this for everyone and everything, but for the average user that just wants to keep a few docs here and there.

So now you're going to get your anti-malware/anti-virus software updated, ran, fix issues then backup your data..right? Please? K-thanks.

Until then, safe out there!

Here are a couple great references for ransomware:

Cartoon retrieved from:

Week 7 Blog Post - CYBR 650

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