Monday, January 19, 2015

ISO 2700

While ISO 2700 may sound like a new piece of technology or electronic's not.  It's actually pretty neat, I shall explain why. 

When organizations hire employees they tend to like certifications for certain types of positions. Right? I mean my old A+ from CompTIA is still golden (and it never expires, unlike these new ones..hehe) 

An ISO is a certification for the organization that says, "Hey we have IT standards set in place and we are on top of this." Much like an employee's certification in something valuable, this something for the organization to have. Making it extremely valuable. 

Why? Well because you asked so nicely, I shall continue. 

In our modern world technology is advancing...rapidly. And security and competence is always a question of, "are they secure, do they know what they are doing?" While many times we can assume they are or they might be, one sure fire way to tell is to look for organizational certifications. Such as the ISO 2700. 

While it doesn't guarantee that a company/organization is perfect or that they won't have a security mishap, etc. It does, however, show that the organization has received the standard for information technology and management information systems. With this, the organization can be a trusted source of IT services and confirm a confidence in the reliability of their internal operations. 

Granted, now this doesn't guarantee that security will never be an issue, but it's at least something in place to consider when going into business with an organization that has an ISO 2700. It's like having an alarm system, it doesn't guarantee your safety or that someone won't try to break in. BUT it's one heck of a deterrent AND an establish process in place. It makes you FEEL better...that's important.

If you would like to know more about ISO 2700, please have a look at:

It does look like a lot to go through and may be a bit dry, but I believe on an organizational level it's a diamond to have in your pocket...especially if your in the IT business. I may even have to make a recommendation at my place...hmm.

Stay safe out there!

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