Monday, January 12, 2015

The Curious Mind

While I am naturally curious, I tend to think most IT professionals are. 

What does this do, how does that work, is there a better way...etc. And while has been the answer to many of those questions and searches, there might be a new contender on the block. might have the answer to all those questions and more. According to Cnet, "The Menlo Park, Calif.-based e-learning site offers more than 10,000 curated short-form, interactive videos taught by 1,000 teachers on a variety of esoteric topics, ranging from macrame to triathlon training to calculus to the martial arts (Karr,, 2015)." 

And while even I am wondering, why not use the idea of is too bring the formality of training, much like and the extensive courses or randomness of together in a new way. 

Cnet also goes on to explain that will offer courses ranging from technology, to food, to fitness, to language, and business. 

This is good news for us technology junkies. Anyone wanna learn how code Android applications?  Well it's a free preview and then it'll cost ya $79.99 for the course. Not bad. While it's still a new organization, I am sure more courses will arrive for free or purchase. I am hoping for some security based courses at some point, maybe more in the business realm. 

And while may always be a viable option for learning new things, seems a bit less "grab your camera and film something." There seems to be a better structure and more of a sense of real-ness to it's training/learning structure. They vet each video and give their "instructors" a guideline for course development. 

In the mean time, good old fashion books might be your best bet for information security subject matter....but one day I think we might find much of this in an online training course. Heck, I take online classes! Is it really that much different..not anymore, also allows for questions/feedback, much like an online course...not like Wow. I might have to go find a free course now! (Starving student and all...ok, not really, but free is free)


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