Monday, February 9, 2015

A way of life...the constant fear of a data breach

Is it really a way of life, have we become numb to this?

By this I mean data breaches. They are more and more frequent and seem just like something we have to "live with".

Recently, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has been the most recent hack to affect nearly 80 million people. And I could be one of them. I have their insurance through my employer, it's good insurance...a bit pricey but good. But now I need to worry about this.

They are supposed to mail their customers letter if they were affected. And while that is a policy. it's a crappy in practice. Do you realize that by the time I get the letter (if I get one; I hope I don't), someone already has opened up credit cards in my name or taken out loans. Seriously this is getting ridiculous.

"Anthem Blue Cross was the target of a very sophisticated external cyber attack. These attackers gained unauthorized access to Anthem’s IT system and have obtained personal information from our current and former members such as their names, birthdays, medical IDs/social security numbers, street addresses, email addresses and employment information, including income data. Based on what we know now, there is no evidence that credit card or medical information (such as claims, test results or diagnostic codes) were targeted or compromised ("

Does that make me feel better? Um, no! I am kind of irate. Being a geek (as I so choose to identify with) I find the lack of protect and the "oh, it's just something we need to live with" frustrating to say the least. We shouldn't have to live with this. There has got to be a better way. 

I realize that since we are doing pretty much everything through the has an enhanced risk. But maybe doing business this way is OK or maybe it isn't. While I don't have the answers and I can't really think of much else, except to maybe not use social security numbers for things like insurance (maybe a different number to identify with) might help this craze of stealing information and identities. OR even crazier, it's too bad we have a monetary based society (I know way off topic), but it would eliminate the greed factor of crimes....just saying.

If you were compromised or even if you weren't, there are a few things everyone can do to be a little bit safer in the vortex of the Internet. Check out these steps for security:

I am off to call the 3 credit reporting agencies...just as a precaution. 

Try to stay safe out there....try.... 

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