Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Go Microsoft, kick some butt!

I am proud of Microsoft!

Looks like they are targeting Asia as a global hub of cybercrime and malware. Bout time, yea?

Ok let's be honest, we (the folks in IT in the US) have seen the cyber attacks coming from Asia. I have seen it as well. Working at a university inside a NOC, the attempts to hack into systems containing that "yummy" data of students social security numbers and birth dates. Yup, happens so frequently it looks like the Matrix running in the back ground with nothing unusual in the least.

And while I am not sure this approach will actually work, I am at least glad that Microsoft is attempting to do something about it. Or at least trying...

Microsoft believes that the interpol unit in Singapore will have better access to the surrounding areas with this center. Looking at not only Asia, but the Oceanic countries as well. This way they are watching the money and where it's coming from.

Another huge concern is malware and rightfully so.

"Of a more pressing concern is China, which already has a Cybercrime Satellite Center located in Beijing. Bosco says the infection rate in China is high due to counterfeit software. There's a huge amount of infections within China, and the result of that from our investigative work was that it comes from an unsecured supply chain," said Bosco. "What happens is you're getting a lot of people infected because of simply buying a computer with pre-installed malware. Sometimes, it's not even that, it comes with all of the features, such as automatic updates and firewalls disabled."

"The minute you put it on the Internet, even if you're not infected, within hours you will be infected and it just cascades and you'll see a huge amount of infections in China because of that."

The entire article can be found here:

Will this make a difference? Well something has to be done, so why not try it. Until we get to the point of either stopping the way we do business OR never using the Internet (sorry if your laughing so hard your coffee is dribbling out your nose), then let's throw everything against the wall until something sticks. I mean doctors do it when trying to diagnose a disease they can't figure out (I know from personal experience...another blog, another time) But why not this? It will be interesting to see what happens now.

Stay safe out there!

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