Monday, February 23, 2015

In retrospect....

This is my final week of class for this course, Information Security Management, and while it has been a long ride, it has been most informative and worthy of my time.

Looking at my blog for the past few (cough12cough) weeks they have been a variety of IT/InfoSec yummy-ness.  I wrote a few times about Sony and their malware/hacking drama, we touched on policy/procedures, ISO certification, disasters and a rant about security breaches that actually affected me directly.

I tended to choose these topics because either they were close to my heart, got my blood boiling or I found them interesting. Many times a week I would research for much of my news, I also checked Forbes and of course, Yahoo. But tended to have the goods more so than not.

When I was first asked to write a blog for this course I felt intimidated and a little stuck. What would I write about, what if I couldn't think of anything, how do I do this, what if I sound like an idiot..all of these thoughts went through my mind.

I also found that once I didn't worry about these things I could just be myself and blog. A few tips to the next batch of students that have to do this for course credit:

  • Blogging isn't as serious as a paper/essay. You can be fun and feisty as you write about your topic.
  • Do your research and form your educated opinion. Blogs are opinion based and it's ok to disagree or agree, just give us a reason why.
  • Use reputable sources. Don't use another person's blog unless you have a reason to (I haven't found a reason too)
  • Don't use Wikipedia for research. Technically you shouldn't use this for any college research, so just don't. 
  • Have fun. Enjoy your writing and topic, this way it doesn't feel like an assignment
Lastly, if your still terrified of the blog world or don't understand how to...just look it up online, there are many articles on how to start a blog.

As I progressed through this blog, I discovered the value in the assignment. Much of the reason is keeping up with what's happening out there in the InfoSec world, following trends, seeing whats new, etc. This can only help you in your professional life. IT and InfoSec, well anything technology related, is ever changing and in order to be at the top of our game, we need to stay in the know. This blog helps me do this. And hopefully, you too!

Stay safe out there, thank you for reading!

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